by admin | Nov 13, 2017 | Blog
(Due to a technical glitch, this failed to post on Veteran’s day as it was intended to be. Our apologies for this problem. We salute our veterans everywhere and thank them for serving this country to protect us and make it possible for us to live in the greatest country of all. God bless America!) The 11th month, the 11th day, the 11th hour -that is when the temporary cessation of hostilities between the Allied nations and Germany went into effect -November 11, 1918; generally regarded as the end of the war to end all wars. We now refer to it as Veterans Day. It is a day to be dedicated to the cause of world peace, and set aside to honor all veterans. And rightfully so. I invite you to do so with me on this day November 11, 2017. To all veterans, we say THANK YOU! Thank you for your military service. Thank you for serving in our armed services. Thank you for risking your lives. Thank you for willingly serving your country. Thank you for helping to preserve our freedoms. Thank you for being willing to leave your families, and even your homeland to perhaps go abroad and fight on foreign soil. Thank you for marching under the banner of the flag of the United States of America. Some of you have served with great sacrifice. Some of you served alongside others who paid the supreme sacrifice; their very life-blood so that we might continue to enjoy the land of the free and the home of the brave. Thank you is hardly enough. But on this...
by admin | Nov 8, 2017 | Blog
A massacre at a Las Vegas country music concert. A senseless terror attack of innocent bikers and joggers in Manhattan. And now an evil onslaught during a church service in Sutherland Springs, Texas. All within a few weeks of each other. Where can you go within America now and find peace, safety, security? Can you go socially to a country music concert? Obviously not. Can you go out to exercise on your bike or on the jogging trail? Obviously not. Can you go to church on Sunday morning at your regular place of worship? Obviously not. Let me quickly point out that peace is an inside job! It certainly has become un-peaceful in America. The world is out of control and peace is a fleeting commodity. But the reality is, just like Jesus being asleep in the lower part of the boat while a storm was raging outside, you can be at peace in the midst of a storm. Is there a common denominator to these recent tragic events which have claimed the lives of a large number of innocent citizens? Is it terrorism? Is it political? Is it lack of gun control? Is it immigration? Is it vengeance? While all of these issues and angles may play a part in these destructive tragedies, they are not the foundational premise of this cancer which has attacked our society. So what is the common denominator? Here it is — values! This can be traced to almost every ill and evil which has revealed its ugly head as a blight on our society. In Las Vegas, in Manhattan, in Sutherland Springs,...
by admin | Nov 6, 2017 | Blog
This past Tuesday a Muslim immigrant to the U. S., Sayfullo Saipov, drove a rented truck down a busy bicycle path in downtown Manhattan, New York City. This senseless evil act killed eight people and injured at least a dozen more. All of this was done in the name of religion. This 29-year-old is from Uzbekistan, a country in Central Asia. He has been living in the United States since 2010. A note found in the truck indicated that this act of terror was done in the name of Isis. It was reported that the suspect was yelling “Allahu Akbar”, an Islamic religious phrase meaning “God is greater”. Once again, our peace has been interrupted by the vile unrest of a soul that is not at peace with himself nor his god. Unsuspecting human beings have been murdered in cold blood by an individual who is cowardly, has a false foundation of religion, is motivated by a distorted ideology, and has no concept of the value of human life. What this demented terrorist did is to him an act of worship. But the worship of whom? To the God of the Bible? Certainly not. To the God of peace? Obviously not so. To the loving God of Christianity? Definitely not. But rather to a false god! When you have an ideology based on a false premise, the end result will be disaster for yourself, your soul, and those whom you inflict with the actions of your wrong ideological tenets. Is this twisted terrorist remorseful for what he did? Of course not. He’s actually proud of what he did. He...
by admin | Feb 3, 2017 | Blog
What is with the Democrats blocking the process of confirmations for the various cabinet nominees and for the Supreme Court nominee?! There is extremely high likelihood that every one of these nominations will in fact be confirmed. Statistically, the Democrats know this. So the conclusion has to be that this is purely partisan politics. This is election sour grapes. This is a pathetic display of immature nonsense. This is a waste of taxpayers’ money. This is a display of irresponsibility. The American people should note those who are leading in this divisive action, those who are boycotting the hearings, those who are not showing up for their vote in committee and when the next election cycle shows up, run these thugs out of Washington! Let’s get on with governing this nation. Let’s quit provoking one another. Let’s stop the division. Let’s quit trying to defend ourselves, and our particular party, and our own ideology. With regards to politics, let’s put America first. Let’s work with each other and not against each other. Let’s work at rebuilding America instead of promoting further foundational decay. Not party, but partnership. Not Democrat, but democracy. Not Republican, but Republic. Not us and them, but we. Not three branches, but one government. Not contradictory, but constitutional. Not our feelings and concerns, but our freedom and our Country. Not what I want, what we need. Any politician who is putting self and his/her party above the interests of this nation, should pack his/her bags and go home! Jay...
by admin | Feb 1, 2017 | Blog
Once again President Trump stands good on a campaign promise. It certainly seems as if he is attempting to follow through with the promises he made as a candidate. This is refreshing in itself. So he nominates Neil Gorsuch as his nominee for the United States Supreme Court. According to all the reporting, he is a constitutionalist and an originalist. In my opinion, this is excellent! It will be interesting to see all the controversy, the debating, and whether or not the process of affirming him gets bogged down. I am disgusted and fed up with the continual rancor over the concept of keeping the Supreme Court in “balance”. This is absurd! The balance of the Supreme Court should always be out of balance. In almost every decision, it should be nine to zero. Nine constitutionalists/nine originalists/nine textualists who are in agreement as to the original intent of our sacred document known as the Constitution of the United States. Our divided nation thinks there should be a balance of liberals and conservatives on our high court. No wonder our cherished values have become eroded, watered-down, distorted, and twisted. I cherish the freedoms which we enjoy because of the character of those who framed this amazing document. I applaud President Trump for selecting a man of this caliber as his nominee for the Supreme Court. Let’s pray that his confirmation will go smoothly and rapidly and that he will be a great asset to this institution. May God bless the United States of America and be merciful on our behalf. Jay...
by admin | Jan 20, 2017 | Blog
A peaceful transition of power. That is one of the amazing hallmarks of the Republic of the United States of America. It is amazing to watch this take place in this marvelous country that God has blessed for well over 200 years. I find it interesting that over 60 congressional Democrats chose not to attend the inauguration. Someone forgot to tell them that the inauguration is not about a person, a political party, or winning an election. Is not about partisan politics. Is it about our Republic. It is about one nation under God. It is about the smooth operation of government as we face the future together. The reality is that even though Donald Trump did not attend their swearing-in ceremony when they became congressmen, they are still representatives in the United States House of Representatives. Now guess what — even though they chose not to attend the inauguration, Donald Trump is in fact the 45th president of the United States. They are the ones who lost out by not having the integrity to recognize the significance of this event. The districts which they represent lost out because they did not have their congressional representatives at this event. The American people lost out because some of our congressmen chose to be shortsighted and selfish and un-American. Hillary Clinton should be commended for her integrity and for her example of understanding the significance of this event. The congressmen of her party should have followed her example, and taken the spotlight off of themselves and placed it on the symbol of our great nation — our flag which represents the...
by admin | Nov 4, 2016 | Blog
I was listening to the third presidential debate a couple of weeks ago(I’m not really sure why…), and one of the early questions by Chris Wallace was this; “If you are elected president, where would you like to see the Supreme Court take our nation?”. I about came unglued. I nearly rose up from my chair, as I said, “Wallace, that is a stupid question!”. Here’s why I think it is so stupid. He is encouraging, by this question, the continuation of the mentality which we have adopted in America over the last few decades. That is, acceptance of the fact that our judicial system is properly functioning with activist judges. Nothing could be further from the truth, and nothing is more detrimental to a system that demands fairness and justice, than having judges which go beyond their purview of interpreting the law, and position themselves to actually write the law. So I said, “Let me answer that question Mr. Wallace. I want the Supreme Court to take us BACK to the CONSTITUTION! ”. When you have nine people who assume that it is acceptable to go beyond the parameters of the original intent of the Constitution, then we no longer have a third branch of government which will properly function to keep the other two branches in check. Rather, we have an overreach which will do damage to the American populace. You see, we have gotten to the place that we think we must have a “balance of power” on the Supreme Court. This is absurd. Here’s what the balance of the Supreme Court should be on almost...
by admin | Oct 14, 2016 | Blog
Someone asked me what I thought about the presidential race. I said it’s like going to the zoo and visiting the monkey display; and watching them throw their poop at each other!! This is America. And it is pathetic that these are the two candidates who are vying for the most powerful position in the world. There is no statesmanship, no patriotism, no ethics, no morality, no character that is worth modeling, no history of integrity, no display of honesty, no virtue within their marriage relationships, no genuineness within their religion, no indication of a future hope for our great Republic. All they talk about is demeaning each other, defending their personal failures which are being exposed through a vicious media which can hardly wait for the dawning of a new day anticipating that it will bring more viral blood to add to the ravenous feeding frenzy of a culture void of judgment. What do we tell our children and our grandchildren? That in the year 2016 we sealed our fate as a once great nation, now poised to be the latest to be discarded on the trash heap of defunct, defeated, disgraced, destroyed, despicable democracies. I am sick and tired of hearing these carnivorous candidates trying to defend their pathetic pasts and trying to convince the populace that they are the best thing since sliced bread. Their bread is stale and moldy and is already maggot infested. With these two candidates, you can better believe that no one wins on November 8 — America loses! Is there not a cause? Is there no one in America who is...
by admin | Sep 29, 2016 | Blog
In Matthew chapter 24 the disciples came to Jesus and asked “what shall be the sign of your coming, and of the end of the world?”. Then Jesus responded with a long dissertation which gives us some keen insight into the end times. In verse 12 he says, “and because iniquity shall abound…”. I was visiting with someone just the other day, and we were both remarking about the fact that we have never seen so much lawlessness as we are experiencing today. I’m not sure that there’s any better way to describe what we are seeing in America and around the world. Drugs, divorce, family turmoil, killings, hatred, bullying, greed, thievery, lying, scams, abortion, racism, slander, wickedness, evil, terrorism — on and on! LAWLESSNESS. I don’t know any better way to describe what is happening all around us than this word. The world seems to be abounding in lawlessness. We are like a band of vigilantes — outlaws. There is total disrespect for life, liberty, personal property, position, authority, and boundaries. More and more people are living outside the law, with total disrespect for the law. Just like in the Old Testament at the time of the judges, the very last verse of that book says, “in those days there was no king in Israel; every man did that which was right in his own eyes”! There are consequences for lawbreakers. And we can better believe that there will be consequences in America and throughout the world if we continue to embrace lawlessness. And if we continue to ignore the King of Kings, and the fact that we...
by admin | Sep 17, 2016 | Blog
I would like to address Colin Kaepernick, quarterback of the San Francisco 49ers, and his non-discerning cohorts who choose to sit, or take a knee, or raise a fist at their NFL football games during the playing of the national anthem. First of all I want to be extremely clear in stating the fact that I believe in, and support, Colin’s right of free speech. That is one of the very basic and cherished freedoms of our wonderful country. Now having said that, I would like to point out that Mr. Kaepernick has taken a very ignorant, non-discerning, dishonoring, misleading, divisive, and self-aggrandizing approach to try to prove his point. He stated that his point was, “I won’t stand to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people”. We are talking about a country Sir that has afforded you the opportunity to really make something of yourself. To let you grow up and achieve stardom, fame, wealth, education and success. Why don’t you get your head out of your… helmet, and realize that what you are doing has nothing to do with racial injustice. This is not a black-and-white issue. This is a red white and blue issue! You are not making a case against oppression. You, and your cohorts, and now anyone else who has chosen to join your misguided campaign are making a case of gross dishonor. You are dishonoring our veterans. You are dishonoring our military. You are dishonoring our history. You are dishonoring our heritage. You are dishonoring our Country. You are dishonoring our flag. You are dishonoring every man and...
by admin | Sep 13, 2016 | Blog
This is a great NEW feature of Here’s Hope America.