
Hope has a name- Jesus

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America Needs Hope!

Thank you for visiting “Here’s Hope America”. America needs help, and America needs hope. As a matter of fact I have found that there are a lot of individuals everywhere who are searching for hope. Hope that is real. Hope that will last. Hope that will help people through the circumstances of life. That’s what this website is all about. You will find real-life stories by real people who have found, or are finding, genuine hope.

Visit us often. We will constantly be adding new stories, and new facets to our site. Different items that will bring encouragement and inspiration to help you through your day. Hopefully through this site you will discover a handle of hope for you to grab onto. And tell others; we’ve discovered that there are people all around us, who in one way or another, need HOPE.


New Book Available!

“I’m a believer.” So many times we make that flippant declaration as if that’s the winning lottery ticket to secure an entrance into heaven. Is it enough just to be a believer? The premise of this entire book is based on James 2:19. Here’s what that says: “You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that — and shudder.” (NIV)

The real question is, are you a Jesus-follower?

Audiobook now available from the following:







You're Entitled to Our Opinion! Podcast
New Podcast featuring Jay Scribner and Tom Johnson!

Jay and Tom provide a weekly podcast about the Christian Life, the Bible, and what’s happening in the world today.

Subscribe to our weekly episodes!

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Bringing you HOPE in real time!
