
Infant genetic disorder

INFANT GENETIC DISORDER (Justin and Chelsea Wilson) For well over a year, Justin and Chelsea have not had a full night’s sleep. The genetic disorder of their little girl requires 24 hour (literally!) care. This is a family where love lives, where compassion thrives, where faith sustains, and where hope prevails. You will fall in love with this little girl, and her parents. Very few people know the intensity, emotions, pressure, and seeming helplessness of having a little baby with an extreme genetic disorder. You will get to peek into the home and hearts of this amazing family. Click here to return to Real Hope...

Our journey to freedom

OUR JOURNEY TO FREEDOM (Buddy and Sam Krause) Finding release from drugs and alcohol. Finding God. Finding each other. What a journey of discovery for Buddy and Sam. Buddy states, “I continued to walk around doing my own will, and I continued to pay the consequences for that.” Drugs, alcohol, prison, loss of everything and everyone that is valuable to you. You or someone you love may be facing this same grim reality. Sam says, “It was a big step to come to this program, but I wanted to change my life.” Click here to return to Real Hope...
With a knife to my throat

With a knife to my throat

  WITH A KNIFE TO MY THROAT (SHIELA ARTT) She forgave him. Her husband forgave him as well. “The Holy Spirit gave me a peace that passes understanding,” Shiela stated. “As he was committing that act of rape, I saw Jesus on the cross, and realized that I was as guilty of sin as the man that was committing this act,” she related. The man said to her, “Do you think Jesus could save a man like me?” Click here to return to Real Hope...
Tami’s testimony

Tami’s testimony

TAMI’S TESTIMONY “My name is Tami. I’m a recovered drug addict. I took my first drink when I was 11 years old and my first drug when I was 12. I stayed in my addiction for the next 28 years.” You may be dealing with drugs or alcohol; or perhaps someone you love is bound by one of these destructive addictions. Hear Tami say, “My addiction took everything from me. I was completely hopeless. It eventually took my freedom away.” Click here to return to Real Hope...
Hope from Addiction

Hope from Addiction

HOPE FROM ADDICTION (KEVIN HUNT) “I WENT TO MY FIRST GROUP HOME AND MY FIRST DRUG REHAB WHEN I WAS 14 YEARS OLD. Numerous treatment centers later, with carnage left in my path from the drug use, I was looking at prison for a second time.” It was at this time that Kevin Hunt was introduced to a residential program for hard-core addicts. It was based on the Twelve-step program; a faith-based program that unapologetically states that Jesus Christ is the only “higher power” sufficient to bring someone out of the bondage of drugs and alcohol. Click here to return to Real Hope...